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반스, 세대 연결하는 'Old Meets Knu' 캠페인 공개 등록일 : 2024-02-15 15:36:00
반스(Vans)가 과거, 현재, 미래를 연결하는 시대를 조명한 캠페인을 공개한다. 캠페인에는 “반스의... 캠페인은 반스 홈페이지(vans.co.kr/old-meets-knu)를 통해 더욱 자세히 확인 가능하며, 관련된 제품군은 현재...
광주시, 올해 650억 투입 친환경차 전환 속도낸다 등록일 : 2024-02-14 07:34:00
The targets are 1,775 passenger cars, 807 trucks, 25 vans, and 213 two-wheeled vehicles. In particular, we will make every effort to expand the vulnerable electric vehicle charging base. We plan to install 15 fast...
Activist Investor Gains Support from Founding Family of NorthFace, Vans,... 등록일 : 2024-02-12 16:54:00
Face, Vans, and Timberland. Kelly Barbey, one of the heirs, announced the backing received by... the appeal of its brands to consumers amidst reduced discretionary spending. Photo: Vans Newsroom
A Graphic Novel Finds a Relatable Hero in a Modern African Woman 등록일 : 2024-02-10 19:04:00
The din of street vendors selling fried plantain or charcoal, groups of bickering children in school uniforms or harried workers running after public vans during rush hour give it a dizzying...
Vans Parent VF Corporation’s Misses Market Expectations, CFO to Leave 등록일 : 2024-02-07 13:04:00
VF Corporation, the parent company of Vans and Timberland, missed market expectations for the Q3... CFO to Step Down As the Vans owner announced its results for the third quarter, it also...
아산시, ‘취약계층 복지혜택’ 늘린다... 등록일 : 2024-02-07 08:52:00
The engine displacement of passenger cars was changed to less than 2,500cc (previously less than 1,600cc), vans were changed to compact vehicles (previously less than 1,000cc), and vehicles for commercial use were...
At Rally for Border Security in Texas, Fears of ‘Invasion’ and ‘Civil... 등록일 : 2024-02-04 07:58:00
A line of trucks and campers, cars and vans — from South Dakota and North Carolina, Washington and Pennsylvania — snaked over farm roads before gathering on the winter-brown grass of a ranch...
10 Guards, 900 Inmates and the Dire Results of Warnings Ignored 등록일 : 2024-02-02 19:04:00
vans that no longer patrol another prison’s perimeter at night; teachers who set aside classroom duties to supervise inmates during recreation time. Guards are now regularly required to work...
Young Filmmaker Lives His ‘Fairy Tale’ at Sundance 등록일 : 2024-02-02 19:04:00
Wang, a 29-year-old filmmaker, was dressed in a black suit and white Vans (a nod to his skateboarding roots). He grabbed his chest in a show of how fast his heart was beating as he introduced his...
YB returns with nationwide tour 등록일 : 2024-02-01 15:09:00
The band was also the first Korean act to perform on the Vans Warped Tour. YB is famous for critical and progressive songs as well as earnest messages for environmental protection.
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