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네이버 전문자료
이 이의 교육사상 (李 의 敎育思想)
I Yi's (李) Educational Thoughts Scientific research into the history of education can help us decide the direction of today's educ
Discuss of Yin Xu Hua Yuan Zhuang Ruins Bones Word「□」-Discuss with Jade「玦」 歷來學者對殷墟甲骨中的「□」或作
Political Self-Cultivation for Humane Government: Yi I’s Defense of the Way of the Hegemon in
As ardent followers of Mencius and Zhu Xi, virtually all Korean Neo-Confucians during the Chosŏn dynasty rejected Way Hegemon by unde
Political Self-Cultivation for Humane Government: Yi I’s Defense of the Way of the Hegemon in
As ardent followers of Mencius and Zhu Xi, virtually all Korean Neo-Confucians during the Chosŏn dynasty rejected Way Hegemon by unde
율곡 이이의 삶에 나타난 가치관과 효정론- 주로 유・소년기를 중심으로
The values of Yulgok(栗谷)’s life and Hyosung(孝誠) theory - Focusing on childhood and boyhood - 율곡은 한국역사에 보기
退溪, 滉, , 朱子学, 権力, 政治, 士禍
「위학지방도(爲學之方圖)」와 『성학집요(聖學輯要)』 「수기(修己)」
A Study on the Correlation between “Wihak ji bang do” 爲學之方圖(Diagrams on the Way of Learning) and gyeong 敬 of the Seongh
흠재 최병심의 성이사상 (欽齋 崔秉心의 性理思想)
A Study on Neo-Confucianism of Geumjae Choi Byung-sim 欽齋崔秉心은 19세기 말에서 20세기 근현대까지 활약하였다.
주자의 인심도심설에서의 이기 문제와 조선 유학자의 해석 (朱子의 人心
朱子人心道心說中的理氣問題及朝鮮儒者的詮釋 朱熹(****~****)는 ‘中和新說’을 완성한 뒤에 ‘心統
주자(朱子)의 인심도심설(人心道心說)에서의 이기(理氣) 문제와 조선 유
Li and Chi in Zhu Xi’s Theory of Human Mind and the Mind of the Way and its Interpretation of Joseon Confucians 朱熹(****~****)는
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